
Guess who works behind the scenes!

Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,

Whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,

Can say to him,

You are my God; in you I trust.

He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases.

Psalm 91:1-3

I have always been used to waking up most nights to pray especially when I am not working the next day, but after September 23rd, 2020, it became every night regardless of my work status.

You might ask why?

“Stay in constant communication with God through prayers” were the words that woke me up that morning. I had no idea why or what was going to happen. What I do know from my mum is that whenever we are doing something or want to do something for the glory of God, the enemy tries to block it.

I just published my first Christian parenting book, Sow the right seeds: a parent’s perspective, based on real life experiences and I know the enemy is definitely not happy.

The next week, I started feeling some funny sensation (cannot really explain it)on my right arm. I ignored it and kept praying. It went away after one week. Then starting from Oct. 5th (my birthday, Oct 6)the real drama started. This time, it was my car. I am used to seeing nails in tires, but this time it was a big blade right in the middle of one tire (got a new one), then it was missing lug nuts from another tire that caused the wheel to fall off while I was driving on the highway (got it towed and fixed), then another tire with three missing lug nuts and it just kept going like that for the next two months. The final one was so weird; I still do not understand it.

I was not surprised. It just made me laugh at the devil and I prayed even more. Yes, it cost me money, but I thank God that I am still living. I thank Him for warning me ahead of time and the ability to listen.

I know God loves me and sometimes, I wonder why. Even with all my faults-He still looks out for me. I have made that promise to always do my best to serve Him and remain under His protection all the days of my life.

Why am I telling this story?

To encourage all to trust in the Lord and stay in constant communication with God through prayers. He will never let you down. We do not need to be perfect. Make God your hiding place, your safe zone, your everything. He will surely protect you and keep you from those unseen arrows that the enemy throws at us.

We all know that the enemy’s plan is to steal, destroy and derail us. That is why we cannot let our guards down. Even when it seems like the fight is over, keep praying so he will not take you unawares.

The normal human reaction when things go wrong will be to get angry and frustrated which really does not help anything. It makes things worse and gives the enemy that opportunity and attention he is seeking to really get in and try to manipulate us.

I use these examples to have that teaching moment with my children just like my mum did with me, especially when I am teaching them how to pray without ceasing. That way, they are better prepared for when (not if) they meet any challenges.

May God bless us all and our families and may we all remain under the protection of the Almighty!


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4 Responses

  1. Amen!!! Indeed He is faithful and a good God. May He always protect you and use you for His glory.