
Life’s lessons and a great beginning

“Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already-you can see it now!”.

Isaiah 43:18-19

Life has its way of teaching us lessons. 2020 taught us a whole lot of lessons (nobody excluded) from appreciating life and what we have, setting our priorities, acknowledging God, to expressing our voting rights and keeping safe. It also brought a lot of fear, anxiety, loneliness, and great loss. We all can agree that it was a very rough year (rough, might be an understatement), but we cannot let this fear and anxiety shape the way we step into 2021.

We will take the lessons of 2020, and make 2021 a better year without looking back. Let us not dwell on fear or anxiety. Rather, by faith we will hold on to God’s words in believing that He will do new things in our lives.

New Year, New beginning!

We made it this far now into the New year only by the grace of God. So, we have every course to thank Him.

It is important to know that every now and then, there will be some kind of storm that tests our faith. This time it was the pandemic. It helps to prepare ahead of time. Being prepared does not mean we know what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. It means knowing that as long as we are in the world, there will be different storms along the way.

How do we prepare? Spiritual preparedness through constant prayers and meditating on the word of God.

This does not mean we will be immune to different storms, it means we will stand firm in the midst of it all, trusting God, and get stronger in faith afterwards.

Even though I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid.

Psalm 23:4 GNT

Let us all reset and start out this New year stronger in faith, without fear or anxiety.

Do you know that faith is the antidote for fear? So, it will benefit us all greatly to read, meditate and live the word of God to continue to strengthen our faith.

As we start out this year 2021, let us all use these lessons we learned in 2020 to make a better 2021. Together with peace and love, we will conquer .

May God bless us all. May He see us all through this year (2021) from January to December and beyond.


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