
Sow the right Seeds: A parent’s perspective

Sow the right Seed: A parent’s perspective goes live in about THREE WEEKS now! I have received great feedback and I cannot wait till it is available to everyone.  If you have not yet pre-ordered, you can do so from:

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I am very excited to share a little about the book to give you a feel of what it is all about.


My experiences growing up in one society and raising my children in an entirely different one have led me on a quest for balance. I grew up in Nigeria, a country in West Africa where society plays a huge role in training children, in addition to the instruction they receive at home. My children, on the other hand, are growing up in The Western world – the United States of America, which is a completely opposite experience.

In my quest to find that balance—not being too controlling and not granting too much freedom—while establishing a solid foundation in God, I found that the answer lies in prayer, asking God for wisdom. We cannot ask God for too much, after all He told us to ask. “If any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it you; because God gives generously and graciously to all”( James 1:5).

Growing up might be different in these two countries, but one thing remains the same—the challenges of life. We all face challenges no matter where we are, and I have come to realize that without God, the burden becomes heavier. That solid foundation that we give children carries them a long way and prepares them for what lies ahead. Are we giving them a good solid foundation in God that will lead them to the narrow gate, or a shaky foundation that will lead them to the wide gate and destruction?

This book was created out of my passion for children, the belief that no child should be lost, and the need to create more light in this dark age.

We already know that the world challenges us in different ways, and children are no exception, so it helps to be prepared.

I have always thought about starting my children in a taekwondo class for self-defense. You never know when they will need it, right? Physical preparation.

Have you ever thought about the spiritual warfare which Paul warned us about in Ephesians 6:12 where he said, “For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age”? How do you prepare for that? And how do you teach your children to prepare for that?

My new book “Sow the right Seeds: A parent’s perspective”, will give you a little insight on how to do this. I pray it blesses, encourages, and inspires you. I would so much appreciate you spreading the news to friends, families, your pastors, everyone!

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