Small Hinges, Huge Doors – The Power of Renewing Our Minds

By Enoma Ogbomoh 


Let us reflect on a profound truth: “Small hinges open huge doors.” In the same way, small prayers can lead to giant openings. It is often the seemingly insignificant things, the small acts of faith, the quiet prayers, and the subtle shifts in our thinking, that open the doors to God’s greatest blessings.

Isaiah 40:29-31 reminds us, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Today, we will explore how this renewed strength, born from our faith and hope in God, can transform our lives.

 *The Power of Our Thoughts* 

Romans 12:2 teaches us about the importance of mental renewal: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Our thoughts have immense power. They can enable or disable us. As the saying goes, “We are the products of our thoughts.” What we dwell on in our minds shapes the course of our lives.

It is crucial to understand that God rarely changes anything in our lives until we are willing to change first. If we cling to old habits and mindsets, we limit what God can do through us. Just as God promised the Israelites in Exodus 3-17 to bring them out of their misery, He calls us to leave behind old ways of thinking and step into the newness He offers.

1. *Possess What God Has Promised:* 

God has given us a promise, but to possess it, we must first dispossess the old. This means we need to let go of the negative mindsets and patterns that have held us back. In Numbers 14:8, Joshua and Caleb declare, “If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.”

Beware of the enemy’s devices that seek to hold us back. One of the enemy’s lies is that our future is determined by our past. This mindset tells us that nothing will ever change, but we must declare the truth that something good is in front of us. Our lives are moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts, and it’s time to trade negative thoughts for positive ones, as 2 Corinthians 10:5 urges us to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.

2. *Changing Our Mindset:* 

Another lie of the enemy is that our minds are set in stone, that we cannot change. Romans 8:6, however, tells us to “set our minds on the Spirit,” which brings life and peace. We have the responsibility to respond with the right ability—by setting our minds on the things of God, we position ourselves to experience His life-transforming power.

In Romans 12:2, we are reminded again of the need to renew our minds continually. This is not a one-time event but a daily process. When we do so, we begin to see life through God’s perspective, empowering us to declare, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

3. *Overcoming Our Weaknesses:* 

The third lie of the enemy is that our weaknesses define us. But God uses imperfect people to accomplish His perfect purposes. Think of Moses, who, despite his speech impediment, was called to lead Israel out of Egypt. Think of Paul, who, despite his thorn in the flesh, spread the Gospel to the Gentiles.

2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. We should not allow our weaknesses to define us; instead, we should resist the devil’s attempts to focus on our shortcomings. Joel 3:10 declares, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.'” This is the mindset we must adopt—one that sees beyond our weaknesses to the strength we have in Christ.


As I bring this message to a close, let us remember: small hinges open huge doors. The small prayers we offer and the small changes we make in our thinking can lead to giant openings in our lives. God has promised to bring us out of our misery, but we must be willing to leave behind old mindsets and habits. We must be vigilant against the lies of the enemy, renew our minds daily, and confess the truth of God’s Word over our lives. Write it, think it, and confess it: “I am strong in the Lord. My thoughts are renewed by His Spirit. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” May God give us the strength every day, like on a Monday morning, to make the right decisions and walk in His victory. Amen.

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